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Accessibility Notice

CondoSites, the providers of this community website, is committed to providing an accessible website. We have worked hard to create an accessible structure for our clients, but not all of them offer accessible content. If you have difficulty accessing content on this site, have difficulty viewing a file on the website, or notice any accessibility problems, please contact Bernardo Santa Fe via the contact information below to specify the nature of the accessibility issue and any assistive technology you use. Bernardo Santa Fe, and CondoSites, will strive to provide the content you need in the format you require.

Association Management Group logo
Association Management Group
Robin Preman
(760) 931-4180 ext 3856

This website may not be readily compatible with older browsers operating systems. Please be sure you are using the newest version of Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Edge. CondoSites is no longer compatible with Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Browser and Operating System Accessibility tools
This website is designed to be compatible with the accessibility tools built into your browser and operating system including High Contrast Modes, Link Focusing, and Zoom Shortcuts such as Command +/- (Mac) Ctrl +/- (Windows).

Third-Party Links and Content
This website links to third-party content hosted on external websites out of the control of Bernardo Santa Fe and CondoSites. This third-party content may or may not meet accessibility standards.